ApacheCon NA 2018 - Montreal, Canada
Comparisons of Cloud Native Communities
An Official Event Photo stream https://photos.apachecon.com/?/category/3
In addition I manned the booth.
CFP Submission
Day by day, the number of open source projects continues to increase. Each project has unique communities and practice different developmentmethodologies. This talk will focus on the Docker, Kubernetes and Cloud Foundry cultures and outline their main differences and commonalities. The projects have different review processes from the pair programming model to the LGTM process, an interesting artifact of github. Becoming a committer on CF relies on the Dojo, while Docker establishes a meritocracy of peers and Kubernetes behaves similarly with individual sponsors.
Morgan will share his journey of becoming a maintainer on the core Docker Engine and a founding member of the Kubernetes Service Catalog. Swetha will tell her story of becoming a contributor on the Diego team and what she has learnt from Cloud Foundry. By sharing their experiences, they hope to encourage others to participate.
Mini Description:
Learn about cloud native open source projects, namely Kubernetes, Docker, and Cloud Foundry, and their development methodologies, cultures, communities.
What Audience Will Gain:
The audience will leave the talk with a better understanding of different cloud native communities and their respective cultures. Specifically how open source projects can be governed, developed and collaborated on. The attendees will become better informed and have the ability to be more involved with open source software development.
Benefits to the Ecosystem:
We hope by informing engineering managers and developers about how open source technologies are governed, and developed they will be better prepared to choose open source projects and effectively contribute to them. The goal is to increase participation in open source development.