CF Summit NA 2018
Also participated in the hackathon and won with the idea of the blockchain service broker, which was later developed into a cloudfoundry incubator project, with progress demonstrated at the following CF Summit EU
Open Service Brokers for the CF Container Runtime - Jonathan Berkhahn & Morgan Bauer, IBM
The Open Service Broker API is an open standard based on the Cloud Foundry service broker model. The Cloud Foundry Container Runtime is backed by Kubernetes, a container orchestrator. The Kubernetes Service Catalog project is an implementation of the platform side of the OSBAPI running as part of Kubernetes. Come learn how to utilize the same brokers and services you use for applications running on CF for containers hosted by the new container runtime. We’ll briefly cover the service broker architecture before demoing the set-up and operation of the Service Catalog on top of the CF Container Runtime and going over best practices for writing brokers to ensure that they are multi-platform compatible.