Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “TIL”
use zmv from zsh to do addion subtraction
update org mode
messages of org 9.6 being on elpa only.
okay, but I’ve got this apparently stange install using ‘org-plus-contrib’
I’ve got to switch to org from elpa, but I need the unmaintained contrib as well which has been split into a separate package and repo as org-contrib in the nongnu elpa, so I have to first add the nongnu elpa archive at in contrast to (they really want you to know it’s not gnu.
Miso Soup Tricks
Two tips while dinner was being prepared.
Use a sieve or mesh strainer to disolve miso Miso can be difficult to fully dissolve as it will clump up and physical agitation only goes so far.
Use Nameko Mushrooms to thicken soup - ナメコ I didn’t see them before they were cooked.
Instead of the watery broth, it was silky with a slightly higher viscosity.
Kindle Notes in My Clippings.txt
A kindle could be reasonably used to take notes. The notes taken are available in the My Clippings.txt file under documents. The whole path from the root of the kindle filesystem is /documents/My Clippings.txt.
A question remains in my mind of the behavior of the notes.
Is it a log? Append-only? If I remove a book, do the notes go, or stay? If I re-download a book, do the notes become associated?
OBS Capture Transform Settings
Sometimes you may see the red dot in the upper left corner of your preview with a game capture source, select the source in your list and press Ctrl+R then Ctrl+f to reset than fit the source to your preview screen. from
The keys correspond to “Reset Transform” followed by “Fit to Screen”.
windows explorer cli correspondence
found in an old hn post while cleaning up tabs
can type cmd in explorer location bar and it will launch a console in the same location.
while in a console can type start . and it will open explorer in a location
amusing to write this now, as it is from a several moth old hacker news topic. I was cleaning up some tabs.
Windows has some nice tricks to connect the UI to the cmdline.
how to run containerd as runtime for e2e-node tests
requires some extra setup to get containerd working, such as setting it up to accept being a cri, which is a plugin, as well as cni which is all installable from the containerd repo using scripts that are available inside.
GOFLAGS='-v -tags=dockerless' make test-e2e-node PARALLELISM=1 TEST_ARGS='--kubelet-flags=--fail-swap-on=false' FOCUS="NodeFeature: ImageID" SKIP="\[Flaky\]|\[Serial\]" RUNTIME=remote CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ENDPOINT=unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock
fail-swap-on necessary for running e2e tests locally
If you’re trying to run #kubernetes e2e-node tests with make test-e2e-node and you’re trying to run them locally, you may need to add TEST_ARG='--kubelet-flags=--fail-swap-on=false' because your normal everyday dev machine probably has swap enabled.
kubernetes github organization code search is super useful to correlate things and search the entire kubernetes + kubernetes-sigs organizations.
Set default flags in magit commit screen
see my stackoverflow answer, reproduced below
In the versions of magit that use transient (after February 2019 or so), set the flag, and then save while still in the transient buffer.
So for commit, the key sequence would be something like
C-x g # start magit s # to stage changes c # start commiting -v # enable verbose C-x C-s # Save the setting persistently across sessions c # do the actual commit
Nikon exif field for memory card
I learned this from owning a Nikon D500 and trying to figure out why the checksums of files on the SD Card and XQD card don’t match.
On a D500, which has two card slots, an XQD and an SD, this data is recorded in the file under the exif field ‘Memory Card Number’.
0 is the value for the XQD Card slot. 1 is the value for the SD Card slot.